
Welcome to the ticket shop for DjangoCon Europe 2018!

The early bird prices are currently planned to be available until end of January. Buying an Early Bird 🐤 Ticket isn’t just great for you (woo reduced prices!), it also helps us by helping us estimate the amount of attendees we will have, and to give us more time to handle any special requirements you may have.

You will notice that our ticket pricing allows you to input a ticket price of your choice. With the additional money, we are able to make it a more inclusive conference by investing in accessibility improvements as well as our opportunity grant program, helping people with little resources, and/or a lack of representation in our community to participate in DjangoCon Europe 2018. Please choose to give more if you can – you’ll have a very direct impact on how wonderful our conference and our community will be.

💸 Unfortunately, we are sold out. As the capacity of our venues is limited, we are not planning on releasing more tickets. 💸

If you have trouble using the shop on this site, click here to open the shop on a new page.