Our platinum sponsor: GoDaddy!

2018-05-18 09:00:00 +0200

We’re very grateful GoDaddy is supporting our conference as the platinum sponsor. With this blogpost, GoDaddy would like to introduce themselves to you – and why they are sponsoring DjangoCon Europe.

Let’s Diversify!

GoDaddy is pleased to be this year’s DjangoCon Europe 2018 platinum sponsor. The tenth annual DjangoCon Europe Conference will take place from May 23 - 27 in Heidelberg. Numerous developers from all over the world will come to the conference to learn and be inspired by updates and new trends in the field of IT. A five-day programme, attendees will get the opportunity to attend lectures, meet speakers and take part in workshops and sprints.

We are one community

We are proud to support and be part of a community where developers, programmers, software engineers, hobbyists and designers work closely together to benefit a global community. In today’s online world, every one of us depends on well-functioning programs and tools.

More than just a skill

Software development goes beyond just technical skill. Every creation can impact our day-to- day lives and shape our interactions. Each creation is unique, impacted by the individuality and values of each developer. This is what makes IT such an exciting field to work in.

Within organisations software development is the enabler. Software has made it possible for the dreams of small, independent ventures to become a reality through an online presence, removing the restrictions and expenses of a physical location. The internet has reduced the barriers for anyone to bring an idea to life, allowing everyone the opportunity to develop what they love, whenever they want.

Django Girls

Django Girls, a non-profit organization and community was founded to upskill women and launch them into IT careers. It seeks to empower women through organizing free programming workshops, providing the tools and resources to improve skills.

Globally, women are a minority within the technology industry. Norma Driske, co-organiser of DjangoCon believes that while the issue is not one-dimensional, gender stereotyping is a factor. “Unfortunately, the five-year-old is still praised far too often for her great dress instead of her great ideas. However, if parents, communities and companies consciously tackle overcoming role stereotypes and cultivating an open culture marked by diversity and mutual respect, I believe that women also have very good opportunities to become actively involved in the tech industry in the future”.

DjangoCon will be an opportunity to celebrate diversity and see what we can learn from one- another. After all, diversity in the technology industry is not just a women’s issue, we can all benefit from the ideas and innovations which come as result of more diverse teams.

Women in Technology at GoDaddy

GoDaddy Women in Technology (GDWIT) is an employee driven resource group, aiming to close the gender gap and facilitate career advancement for women in technology. Here at GoDaddy we live passionately, we are a community that loves what we do. Appreciation of diversity and individual differences is important to us, as it helps us become a strong, more successful community.

We are always on the lookout for more extraordinary people to join our team. We have roles available across Europe from FrontEnd Developer to Senior Systems Administrator. You can check out our vacancies on the DjangoCon job portal, or head to our careers page to see all the roles we have available.

We are really looking forward to meeting you all later this month. Don’t forget to stop by our stand to pick up some great GoDaddy merchandise and to take part in our survey on women in technology, where we hope to be moving those outdated clichés officially aside.